Resharpening Services

CRT has been resharpening customer’s drills to “like new” condition since 1987. It is a core component of our company, allowing us to provide a full tool-life service. The drills sizes sharpened by CRT change on a daily basis, but our capabilities include sharpening drills from .0039” though .320”.
Each customer’s specific process requirements are defined in our Repoint Customer Matrix. This includes all information ranging from the in-house processing time, the location of the label on the drill box to the minimum over-all-length specification for each drill size being processed.
To achieve the best results for our customers, CRT utilizes drill length sorting systems, vision alignment systems, machines with automatic tool rotation and non-contact laser accurate ring setting machines. Collectively, these help provide customers with an optimum repoint quality and yield.
In addition to re-sharpening drills, CRT staff also has the skills and equipment to modify tools for specific non-standard application. Modification of existing tools reduces cost, accelerates delivery and allows flexibility with order size than build-to-order tool from a blank. Common modifications include:
Point Angle Changes Point Geometry Changes – 2 to 6 Facet
Flute Length Reduction Web Thinning
Gashing Edge Dubbing