iVision from its nature has always been attentive to the specific demands of every client. In this perspective, iVision’s technical and prototype department in collaboration with the sales network, are always active to find innovative and flexible solutions made custom for every client. All of the active companies in the world of metalworking that utilize lathes, saws, and in general work centers that produce swarf that need an adequate material collection.
The industrial vacuums of the Clean iV Custom line, are custom designed based on the true demands of the client to collect chips and liquid from lathes, saws, and work centers. When it comes to, for example, industrial cleaning systems for floors, iVision has always developed a specific kit composed of a fixed brushed positioned in the front part of the vacuum and a handle for moving. In other cases a single iVision industrial vacuum from the iV Custom line can be utilized by more than one operator simultaneously with the cleaning kit of various diameters (50mm, 70mm, 100mm) to take the utmost advantage of the excellent performance of the side-channel turbine.