Back Up Material 


Best Used:

DOSCOBOARD B650 Suitable for basic drilling  – uses yellow-tan homogenous virgin wood fibers in thickness of .098” (2.50mm) ± .008” (± 0.20mm)
INNBOARD P060 MATERIAL Brown extremely hard homogeneous laminate, smooth surface low sheen; in thickness of .060 (1.50mm) with a tolerance of ±.005” (± 0.12mm)
BLUBOARD Blue gray hard thin outer laminated surface with the best cost around; in thickness of 0.093″ (2.36mm) with a tolerance of ±.006” (±0.15mm). Will hold flatness in all environments.
PINKBOARD Pink hard finish on outside and tan on the inside; thickness of .094” (2.40mm) with a tolerance thickness of ±.006” (±0.15mm).
SNOWBACK White smooth hard surface with tan on the inside; suitable for any and all drilling operations; thickness of.094” (2.40mm) with a tolerance of ±.006” (±0.15mm).
SUPERBLU the very best backup material with a thin hard surface, containing materials to minimize friction therefore creating excellent hole quality, while decreasing drill wear; thickness .094” (2.40mm) with a tolerance of ±.006” (±0.15mm).
DOSCOBOARD B900 Dark brown fiberboard in thickness of .115” with a tolerance of ±.015”.  Recommended for routing base.
TBH HARD TOOLING STOCK RISER PLATES: Off white material, smooth on both sides, in thickness of 3/8”; 1/2” super hard, suitable for machine resurfacing.

Entry Material 


Best Used:

TEST ONE Translucent plastic sheet in thickness of .010” and available in 24”x36” sheets, suitable for first check of drilled panel
ALUMINUM ENTRY MATERIAL Thickness .007”; .008”; .010”; .015” with a tolerance of ±.001“.Our product is chemically degreased so care should be used to minimize fingerprints.
ALCLAD A non-abrasive core laminated between two outer skins of special aluminum alloy in thickness of .012” with a tolerance of ±.001“.
INNBOARD D ENTRY MATERIAL Brown glossy entry material in thickness of .010”; .013”; .016”; .024”with a tolerance of ±.002”.
INNBOARD P ENTRY MATERIAL Brown, smooth surface less shiny than “D” type; in thickness of .018”;.024” with a tolerance of ±.002”.
MINIBOARD  P21 Tan in color with matte finish in thickness of .020” with a tolerance of ±.002”.  Entry and routing top for protection.
SPOTON 16 A specially engineered entry material composed of high temperature thermoset resins and additives that increase the lubricity of the drill bits allowing them to remain sharper longer and therefore to increase quality of holes and decreasing breakage in thickness of 0.016″.


Please contact our Sales for further information:


Phone: (203)281-1266

**PLEASE NOTE: unless otherwise specified all backup material is available in cut to order sizes. Tooling holes are also available for your convenience at your request.